Tuesday, June 19, 2012

I would have sworn her name was Veronica

              Remember Veronica Mars, the spunky detective girl of Neptune High School?  She’s the part-time receptionist and detective, for her father, Keith Marrs (Enrico Colantoni). Well she is back on TV, and on Soapnet.  I discovered her on Father’s Day, when they were having a Veronica Mars marathon.  It reminded me how much I loved the quick witted Veronica (Kristen Bell).  The show originally ran three seasons, (2004-2007) and according to the Huffington Post, Creator Rob Thomas and star Kristen Bell are open to doing a Veronica Mars movie. 

               It seems that Veronica Mars has been on Soapnet since March 0f 2012.  I love the clever way the show portrays this “close, but down on their luck” family. The show started with the murder of her best friend and boyfriends’ sister Liliy.  Lilly is played by Amanda Seyfried (Mamma Mia, Big Love).  Keith Marrs was sheriff when Lilly was murdered. People in Neptune consider the handling of the murder incompetent.  His reputation was ruined and he lost his job and opened up a detective agency.  

                Keith Marrs  is the honest, hardworking man, who really tries to level the uneven playing field of Neptune, California.  Veronica is devoted to her father, and though appears tough on the outside, is vulnerable in the inside.  She also retains the values of her father in trying to help her classmates at Neptune High with her sleuthing.  There is an underlying theme that there was more to the murder of Lilly than what was known and that Keith Marrs was set up.  Lilly’s brother Duncan Kane (Teddy Dunn)and Veronica are broken up. The rich kids she used to hang out with abandon her when she stayed loyal to her father. There is a real ‘us against them’ play as they reject Veronica, and she is now an outcast.  Wallace Fennell (Percy Daggs III), is now her closest friend, and he sometimes help her solve her cases. 

                The show was well written, and well acted. It was quick witted, young and generally a great show to watch. It now has almost a cult following.   Eight years after its debut, it is still fresh, young and a great watch.  So look for it on Soapnet.

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